I Miss Matt
Watching Weezer Spotlight... why do they show Matt interviews when he's not in the band? God... B'idiots at much music. Hash Pipe? Man... Not really liking the new Weezer. Is it just me or does Rivers' songwriting come of really lazy? Like I like a few of the songs, but all of the Choruses are the same. And there's no big riffing song on the album like Hash Pipe or Dope Nose. I don't know... I've kind of given up hope on the band. Like they're okay, but not great, and if they were just coming out now with this material I wouldn't like them... that sucks. But Foo Figthers and Weezer touring together... pretty awesome. Why didn't I see green day and Foo Fighters @ edgefest a few years ago?
Hot Girl of the moment: Jane from Zoe, Duncan, Jack and Jane. She's in 28 days with Sandra Bullock. I used to love her.
Quote - "Maybe you're scared to say... I'm falling for you." - El Scorcho.