Rock Manifesto
Monday, May 30, 2005
  Damn You Morgan Webb
Man, we worked on the song yesterday and it still doesn't sound right to me. In my head it' a lot less rockin' but when we play we're always rockin... kill it.

Bought Bat Of Hell yesterday... awesome album. Meatloaf is a big guy, and I bet he's good with knots. I love Paradise by the Dashboard light though - featuring female lead vocals by Ellen Foley. Yes, the Ellen Foley who played Billie on Night Court during the show's first season... Geekin' it up in blog form... just check it out on IMDB.

Speaking of Night Court and to tie it into A&E daybreaks, they also used to show Newsradio which I would say is the greatest sitcom of all time. Seasons one and two on DVD... Huzah! Man, Phil Hartman is the funniest guy ever... funnier than Nick Cannon.

Cut the grass, crappy... yea, I went there.

Still no recording done. I need my damn headphones... bah!

Man, I'm losing in the Rod is King league. Sons of bitches. It's all about strategy right now. Damn you Ben Wallace!!! 12 points? I can fart louder than that. Hell, Alonzo farted louder than that from the bench. It's all about games and trades here. It's a sticky situation.

Quote- "15, 16. I wore them around my waist like a belt." Phil Hartman when asked how many nicotene patches he was wearing.
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