Rock Manifesto
Saturday, September 18, 2004
  DamnFire Alarms!!!
I just felt like quoting Undergrads.

My computer is in the process or formatting. But what's cool is we set-up a network in the house. I guess it's cool... I don't know.

So I have no money. Huzzah! I mean boo. Boo Tech. Lick those asses. Too much undergrads lately. Everyone remember this classic - "It's your fweakin hole, it's your fweakin call". Ahh.

I really don't have anything to say... I feel like Rod. You know who's hot? Joanna McCloud. What the hell am I saying? I don't know.

Sometimes I wish I were a girl... then I could be Jesse's girl.

And I'm done.
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